

In nutritional therapy we are seeking to both phase out the foods and lifestyle choices that hinder our health goals and increase/ grow the healthy food and healthy practices that make us feel alive. We are surrounded by impediments to health all around us- from the physical, chemical, and biological toxins that are especially pernicious in our modern lifestyles to cultural ideals that can lead us away from communicating with our own innate wisdom. However, we are resilient! We can fortify our bodies ability to handle stressors and adapt through supporting our foundational health- proper digestion, sufficient hydration, blood sugar stability, and sufficient fatty acid and mineral intake- through a nutrient-dense, whole foods diet. We can increase our micronutrient and phytonutrient intake to provide continuous antioxidant support, and we can balance our macronutrient intake in order to thrive and support the elimination of toxins through adequate bile formation, a healthy microbiome, and phase II liver support. We can breathe deeply, cry for emotional healing, and keep moving! By supporting digestion, we are improving our bodies natural defenses and routes of elimination; by balancing blood sugar we are quelling inflammation and allowing the body to focus on other stressors; and providing sufficient minerals, fatty acids, and hydration promotes optimal function which means we can conjugate and remove toxins, flush them as necessary, and restore balance.

We are making huge strides in reducing the toxic burden on our bodies when we choose organic, locally grown produce, grass-fed, pasture- raised animal products, and sustainably sourced seafood. When cost becomes an obstacle, prioritizing “the clean 15” and minimizing the “dirty dozen” can be extremely helpful. These can be found through the environmental working group website (https://www.ewg.org/foodnews/dirty-dozen.php). Finding local CSAs and farmer’s markets also moves our food sources closer and helps to minimize exposure. Resources include https://www.localharvest.org/csa/ and https://www.ams.usda.gov/local-food-directories/csas but once you connect with a few other foodies and farmers in your area, branching out into new coalitions and community resources are limitless! The environmental working group and the Non-GMO project have incredible resources for minimizing exposure. The other key tenet in minimizing intake is evaluating our water supply and making informed decisions to access clean water. Check out www.ewg.org/tapwater.

There is so much information out there about toxic exposures, and for many of us, it can be overwelming. A little bit of apprehension and anxiety can be cues that we are ready for change and a helpful impetus in the right direction, but when anxiety becomes debilitating, we need to revisit the idea that we are resilient. Our bodies are equipped with detoxification pathways that we can support, and the impact of gradual change can be profound. We can start small. By supporting our foundational health, we are strengthening our ability to make the necessary changes that our lives will require down the road.